Troy Maxfield CFP®

Founding Partner | President

Troy Maxfield is a Certified Financial Planner, (CFP), with 15 years of industry experience as a Financial Planner.  He received a Bachelor of Accounting from the University of Utah.  

Troy is the managing partner and chief compliance officer of Olympus Peaks Financial.  His primary responsibility is managing the relationships between the firm and clients. As a Certified Financial Planner Troy focuses on the human side of advising focusing on the effect investing will have on a person’s lifestyle.  He founded Olympus Peaks Financial, LLC with the sole purpose of providing better service to the people he works with.

In his off-time Troy enjoys coaching his kids’ sports teams, golfing and volunteering with youth groups. He is supported by his amazing wife Heather and their 5 kids.

Jacque Elwess MBA

Managing Partner

Jacque Elwess has 12 years of experience in Business Management along with 5 years of experience in Human Resources.   Jacque received a Bachelor of Science in Business Administration from Dixie State University.  

Jacque is the Director of Operations for Olympus Peaks Financial.  She develops, implements and reviews operational policies and procedures, oversees the human resource department, client management, scheduling, marketing, and other administrative duties.  Jacque has a background in business management operating a fortune 500 retail store and working as a Human Resource Manager.  

In her spare time Jacque enjoys hiking, cooking, reading, climbing and spending time with her two beautiful girls.   


Senior Financial Advisor

Aaron Larson is a Certified Exit Planning Advisor, (CEPA). He received his Bachelors in Financial Economics from Brigham Young University, Idaho.

Having served hundreds of clients, Aaron is skilled in the art of retirement planning, tax planning, and exit strategies. His commitment to understanding each client's unique financial situation and goals sets him apart. Aaron doesn't just offer cookie-cutter solutions; he crafts personalized strategies tailored to your specific needs and aspirations.

Beyond his professional pursuits, Aaron finds joy in various hobbies. An avid fitness enthusiast, he can often be found hitting the trails for a run or channeling his creativity into woodworking projects. However, Aaron's greatest source of fulfillment comes from spending quality time with his wife and two daughters. Family is at the heart of everything he does, and this deep-rooted value reflects in his approach to financial planning. Aaron understands that your financial decisions impact not just you but your loved ones as well, and he's committed to helping you secure a prosperous future for generations to come.